Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I find out what Staff Senate is currently working on
View the Staff Senate website:
- Under the Resources tab is a link to the meeting minutes where you can learn more about what was discussed during Senate meetings, including upcoming projects, constituency concerns, and next steps.
- You can also find information about current projects under the tab Our Work where we list current projects and past accomplishments.
- How do I raise an issue for Staff Senate to address
- Share you concern with your senator who will determine the best course of action. With your permission, your senator will share your comments with the Senate during Constituency Corner – a portion of the meeting dedicated to hearing constituent concerns. Constituent names are never shared to maintain confidentiality. If an issue is particularly sensitive and you would rather not have it presented at a meeting, then your senator can work with you to determine the best way to address your concern.
- Use the Staff Senate Feedback Form to share your concerns or questions. This form is anonymous unless you'd like to provide your name and contact info to receive follow-up from your senators or a member of the Staff Senate executive committee.
- Who represents me if I work in the Health System?
Staff Senate represents staff in the Academic Division. If you work for the Health System, you are represented by the Medical Center Employee Council.