The Staff Senate is holding elections in June. If you are interested in running, please reach out to your Staff Senator for more information.
If elected, you will serve as the voice for your organizational unit and can really make a difference, not only for staff in your area, but for staff across Grounds. You will need to submit a short nomination statement in early May.
What is the Staff Senate?
The Staff Senate is comprised of approximately 68 members who represent over 7,000 staff at UVA. We serve as a collective voice for staff, helping to shape programs and policies. The Staff Senate communicates directly with senior leadership at UVA.
As a senator, you will have the chance to provide your coworkers a voice in University governance, share staff perspective to University leadership, collaborate with staff from across grounds, gain a deeper understanding of the University, hear about upcoming University initiatives and share your input, and even help shape University programs and policies.
What Would I DO?
Senators attend monthly Staff Senate meetings and are encouraged to serve in a leadership role on the Staff Senate or to participate in a working group.
Want to Learn more?
For more details about joining the Senate, contact other Senate representatives in your organizational unit.
Please also visit our Join the Senate webpage for more details about serving on the Senate and the Our Work page to learn more about the type of projects the Senate works on throughout the year.